#6 The Danish Pioneer’s Highlights of 2013: Let the Traditions Continue – and Happy New Year!

By Linda Steffensen, The Danish Pioneer Newspaper’s Editor –

One of our Danish Brotherhood friends made an interesting comment at our lodge’s Family Christmas Party in suburban Chicago on Friday, December 20, 2013.

After witnessing all of the children and families having such a great time at the lodge’s annual holiday festivities, she said, “If our lodge doesn’t do anything else, we should always have this Christmas Party for the children.”

Time to decorate the Danish Christmas tree with flags and handmade ornaments. (Photo courtesy of The Danish Pioneer Newspaper)

Time to decorate the Danish Christmas tree with flags and handmade ornaments. (Photo courtesy of The Danish Pioneer Newspaper)

I am not worried so much about this holiday tradition going away since we have a very active Danish Brotherhood lodge – ranging from a lively Fastelavn’s Party to a great Frikadeller Scholarship Dinner to a Family-Oriented Summer Picnic to this lively Holiday Party – but it did get me thinking about the importance of traditions and to THANK all of those volunteers around the USA, Canada, Denmark and Scandinavia who work so hard to keep the Scandinavian traditions alive.

From decorating the Christmas tree, to dancing around the tree, singing Christmas carols and a visit from Santa Claus, these are all some of our own favorite childhood memories – and it is up to us to keep up the traditions for the next generations.

Another tradition which keeps getting better and better in Chicago is our Annual Danish Christmas Service, and we hope others around the world also have this sense of community, family, friendship and fellowship.

The 20th Annual Danish Christmas Service in Chicago on Saturday, December 14, 2013 came in the midst of a snowstorm in the area, and that probably kept some away.

However, 86 brave souls ventured out to enjoy the traditional Danish service with Pastor Karen Knutson and the Bjornson Male Chorus entertaining.

Pastor Karen E. Knutson and Reader Al Iversen at the Annual Danish Christmas Service in Chicago on Saturday, December 14, 2013. (Photo courtesy of The Danish Pioneer Newspaper)

Pastor Karen E. Knutson and Reader Al Iversen at the Annual Danish Christmas Service in Chicago on Saturday, December 14, 2013. (Photo courtesy of The Danish Pioneer Newspaper)

It was beautiful and “hyggelig”, just as the participants have come to expect.

Afterwards the Danish Sisterhood Dagmar Lodge #4 members had prepared a fabulous spread, ranging from pickled herring, cheese sandwiches, all manner of “kaffebrød” and cookies.

Happy New Year to everyone and thanks for your support in 2013! See you in the new year!



THE DANISH PIONEER NEWSPAPER’S EXTRA-LARGE 2013 HOLIDAY EDITION WAS EXTRA SPECIAL THIS YEAR:  The Danish Pioneer Newspaper’s extra-large holiday print edition is always special – AND THIS YEAR IN FULL COLOR. If you don’t subscribe yet, now is an exciting time to join The Danish Pioneer FamilySubscriptions to our print edition are economical, and you receive 26 issues per year including the extra-large, extra-special holiday issue. Subscriptions and advertisements – like annual donations to ethnic institutions or memberships to clubs, lodges and organizations – help The Danish Pioneer Newspaper staff to preserve and to support the Danish-American ethnic press in addition to allowing us to promote the Danish and Scandinavian culture, communities, heritage and traditions in the USA and North America. Please support The Danish Pioneer Newspaper. Please subscribe today or give The Danish Pioneer Newspaper as a gift subscription to a friend or relative. Visit http://www.thedanishpioneer.com/subscribe/


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