A Snapshot of Denmark 2014 from Danish Statistics
Statistics Denmark has released its yearly statistical snapshot of Denmark and the Danes in the publication “Denmark in Numbers”. Among the findings are:
* Denmark is a small country consisting mostly of islands and water. Every Dane has about 1.5 feet of shoreline to enjoy. The highest point is Møllehøj by 171 meters, the largest lake is Arresø of 40 km2 and the longest river is Gudenåen, stretching 176 km through Jutland, which account, by the way, for 69 per cent of the country’s total area.
* The number of Danes has increased over the past few years, totaling 5.6 million Danes on January 1, 2014. The population growth is due to more immigration than emigration, but also that the number of births is greater than the number of deaths. By the way, Danes make up for 0.8 per thousand of the world’s population.
* The Danish population has also become older than 25 years ago. At that time, one in five persons was over 60 years, today it is one in four. This also shows the trend in life expectancy. In 2012, life expectancy was 78 years for men and 82 years for women. In the course of 10 years, life expectancy has increased by 3.4 years for men and 2.7 years for women.
* Danes are also older, when they marry. In 1971, 87 per cent of all 30-year-old women were married, although this is true of only 38 per cent as of today. A man is, on average, 35 years and a woman is 32 years old, when they marry for the first time. In 2012, the oldest bride was 92 years.
* The car is the preferred means of transport. Travel in cars accounted for 85 per cent of total Danish transportation. Volkswagen was the most popular car brand in 2013, followed by Ford and Toyota, measured in terms of newly registered vehicles.
An all-time record low in 2012: 167 people killed in road traffic accidents, compared with 1,213 people in 1971.
More information can be found at www.dst.dk.
Et snapshot af Danmark
Danmarks Statistik har netop udgivet det årlige statistiske snapshot af Danmark i form af publikationen ‘Danmark i tal’. Her kan man bl.a. læse at:
* Danmark er et lille land, der mest består af øer og vand. Hver dansker har omkring 1,5 meter kystlinje at boltre sig på. Det højeste punkt er Møllehøj med 171 meter, den største sø er Arresø med 40 km2, og den længste å er Gudenåen, som strækker sig 176 km gennem Jylland, som for øvrigt udgør 69 pct. af landets samlede areal.
* Vi er blevet flere og flere i de seneste år, og samlet var der 5,6 mio. danskere 1. januar 2014. Det stigende befolkningstal skyldes, at der indvandrer flere, end der udvandrer, men også at der fødes flere, end der dør. Danskerne udgør for øvrigt 0,8 promille af Jordens befolkning.
* Den danske befolkning er også blevet ældre end for 25 år siden. Dengang var hver femte over 60 år, i dag er det hver fjerde. Det viser udviklingen i middellevetiden også. I 2012 var den 78 år for mænd og 82 år for kvinder. På 10 år er den steget med 3,4 år for mænd og 2,7 år for kvinder.
* Vi er også ældre, når vi gifter os. I 1971 var 87 pct. af alle 30-årige kvinder gift, mens dette i dag kun gælder for 38 pct. En mand er i gennemsnit 35 år og en kvinde 32 år, når de lader sig vie for første gang. I 2012 var den ældste brud 92 år.
* I ‘Danmark i tal’ kan man også læse, at bilen er vores foretrukne transportmiddel. 85 pct. af danskernes transport tilbagelægges i en bil. Volkswagen var det mest populære bilmærke i 2013 efterfulgt af Ford og Toyota, målt ved antallet af nyregistrerede køretøjer. En god bundrekord i 2012: 167 trafikdræbte mod 1.213 i 1971.
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