CALIFORNIA NEWS: Come Visit ‘Danish Street’ at the Orange International Street Fair on August 29 – 31, 2014

You will find Danes working hard at the Orange International Street Fair in California on Labor Day Weekend. This year’s theme is “Destination Orange”. More than 500,000 people usually attend the popular street fair. The Danish American Club will be serving Danish pastry and alcohol, while volunteers from Rebild National Park Society and Yorba Linda’s Danish Lutheran Church & Cultural Center will be making and selling æbleskiver. 

Orange International Street Fair set for Labor Day Weekend

Friday, August 29 – Sunday, August 31, 2014 mark the dates for the Orange International Street Fair in California, and you’ll find the Danes working hard on “Danish Street” selling Danish pastries, beer, æbleskiver and more.

The 2014 OISF theme is

The 2014 OISF theme is “Destination Orange”. (Photo courtesy of the Orange International Street Fair)

There are 52 Arts & Crafts Booths at the Fair with only handmade items of the the highest quality. There are also Commercial Booths, Children’s Street and Community Booths showcasing local non-profits. The food booths are broken into 16 ethnicities encompassing North & South Glassell Street and East & West Chapman Avenue. All of the food booths are local non-profits.

The Orange International Street Fair runs from 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. on Friday, August 29 and from 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. on both Saturday, August 30 and Sunday, August 31.

The Danes have a long connection to the Orange International Street Fair. Erik Meyer, former Rebild Corporate Secretary, was President of the Orange International Street Fair in 1979.

Learn more about the fair at

READERS: If you attend the street fair and take a few pictures, please e-mail them to



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