DIF: New International Olympic Committee reform requires hard work with 40 rule changes

According to DIF (the National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided on Monday night, December 8, 2014 at the IOC session in Monaco unanimously to implement a comprehensive reform of the Olympic organization.

The reform, known as Agenda 2020, includes 40 rule changes that collectively aim to modernize the IOC. Rule adjustments include:

* That the Olympics will become more economically viable

* That it will become easier – also for smaller countries – to apply for the Olympics

* To ensure better gender equality

* To give ‘new’ sports better opportunities to be exposed to the Olympics

* To ensure ‘good governance’ and ethical guidelines in individual Olympic Committees.

The IOC reform brings a smile to the President of DIF and the National Olympic Committee, Niels Nygaard, who was at the IOC session in Monaco.

“The reform is a major step in the right direction, and it was encouraging to see that the 40 rule changes went through unanimously. That being said, it is very important that the IOC continues on in its work clothes in relation to the implementation of this reform in cooperation with the individual Olympic Committees. It will certainly require hard work to get all the good intentions to fruition, but we will from the Danish side, of course, do what we can to keep the IOC to the fire,” said Niels Nygaard.

DANISH STORY: DIF: Ny IOC-reform kræver hårdt arbejde

 Ny IOC-reform vækker glæde i DIF, men implementeringen af agendaen kræver hårdt arbejde.

Den Internationale Olympiske Komité (IOC) vedtog mandag aften på IOC-sessionen i Monaco enstemmigt en omfattende reform af den olympiske organisation.

Reformen, den såkaldte 2020-agenda, omfatter 40 regelændringer, der har som samlet formål at modernisere IOC. Regelændringerne betyder blandt andet:

– At de olympiske lege fremover skal være mere økonomisk bæredygtige

– At det fremover skal være lettere – også for mindre lande – at søge om OL

– At sikre bedre lighed mellem kønnene

– At give ’nye’ sportsgrene bedre mulighed for at blive eksponeret til OL

– At sikre ’good governance’ og etiske retningslinjer i de enkelte olympiske komitéer.

IOC-reformen vækker glæde hos formanden for DIF og Danmarks Olympiske Komité, Niels Nygaard, som er med ved IOC-sessionen i Monaco.

”Reformen er et stort skridt i den rigtige retning, og det var positivt at konstatere, at de 40 regelændringer gik enstemmigt igennem. Når det så er sagt, så er det meget vigtigt, at IOC beholder arbejdstøjet på i forhold til implementeringen af reformen i samarbejde med de enkelte olympiske komitéer. Det vil helt sikkert kræve hårdt arbejde at få alle de gode intentioner ført ud i livet, men vi vil fra dansk side naturligvis gøre, hvad vi kan, for at holde IOC til ilden,” siger Niels Nygaard.



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