Groundbreaking held for The Danish Immigrant Museum’s $3 million curatorial expansion
The Danish Immigrant Museum in Elk Horn, Iowa broke ground for its $3 million curatorial expansion on Monday afternoon, August 26, 2013, followed by a coffee and kringle reception for the community. The extra 8,000 square feet will provide compact artifact storage, office space, and exhibit preparation areas. Scheduled to be completed by the Danish Villages’ Tivoli Fest on Memorial Day weekend 2014, the addition will be located mostly underground and will have an environmentally-friendly green roof.
Pictured from left: Gordon Roesler of Meco-Henne Contracting, Scott Fero of Midwest Storage Solutions, Todd Wanninger of Carroll Control Systems, Jim Wolz of Meco-Henne Contracting, John Mark Nielsen of The Danish Immigrant Museum, Mardy Holst of AHTS Architects, and Angela Stanford of The Danish Immigrant Museum.
The Danish Immigrant Museum is located at 2212 Washington Street, Elk Horn, Iowa 51531. For more information about the museum, call 712-764-7001 or visit
(Photos courtesy of Nicky Christensen/The Danish Immigrant Museum)