House of Green and Copenhagen Hospitality College hold special event

ENGLISH SUMMARY: House of Green held a special event in conjunction with the Copenhagen Hospitality College on January 27, 2014. The New Year’s Reception focused on Health, Ecology and Sustainability.
Photos by HASSE FERROLD, The Danish Pioneer’s Staff Photographer
HOUSE OF GREEN (Vesterbrogade 1 E) lagde den 27. januar 2014 “Grønne” Rammer FOOD & TEAM GASTRONOMI DANMARKs NYTÅRSKUR i samarbejde med  Hotel og Restaurant Skolen .
Fokus var på Sundhed, Økologi og Bæredygtighed.
Participants at the House of Green and Copenhagen Hospitality College event. (Photo courtesy of Hasse Ferrold, The Danish Pioneer's Staff Photographer)

Participants at the House of Green and Copenhagen Hospitality College event. (Photo courtesy of Hasse Ferrold, The Danish Pioneer’s Staff Photographer)

Foto 1, HØ-VE:
Direktør Finn Mortensen
Direktør Pelle Andersen
Uddann.Chef Horesta Marianne Kragh, Formand
Direktør Søren Kühlwein

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