Law continues to pose challenge for Danish equestrian sport and riding clubs
A new study from Danmarks Idraetsforbund (DIF) Analysis shows that the ‘Law on the housing of horses’ continues to pose serious challenges for some Danish riding clubs. The Danish Equestrian Federation urges clubs to get started rebuilding, as the law will not be changed.
The Act came into force in 2008 and dictates a number of requirements for clubs’ physical facilities (including stables and paddocks).
It will be implemented gradually until 2020, and the survey shows that 39 percent of the clubs already now meet all the legal requirements that must be complied with by 2020.
On the other hand, the study ‘Riding Clubs in Denmark’ also shows that 21 percent of the clubs, which do not meet all the requirements, have no concrete plans to build on.
Among these clubs almost every fifth put their trust in that the law will be changed. But it’s not going to happen, says Danish Equestrian Federation President, Ulf Helgstrand. Not even if the riding federation has submitted a number of amendments to the law.
“The amendments are in the nature of adjustments, and they’re not going to change the costly consequences of the law. Therefore, it worries me that there are some clubs that are betting that the law will come to nothing, because it does. The study by DIF analysis tells us that we are in an even greater need to inform the clubs that the law is a reality,” says Ulf Helgstrand.
The law will improve horse welfare and contains a number of requirements, among others: box sizes, ceiling height, light and fold sizes.
Michael Fester from DIF Analysis, who conducted the survey, advises clubs not to be hesitant and passive. “It is a completely wrong strategy to wait and see what happens. It is economically very extensive alterations that are required, and the clubs can not conjure up the necessary millions in an instant. It takes time to create the necessary economy, and therefore it is important to get started right away,” says Michael Fester.
The study ‘Riding Clubs in Denmark’ is based on an internet-based survey with responses from 219 riding clubs. In addition to the section on legislation, the study also looked at issues such as membership, volunteering and education.
Visit and for more information on Danish equestrian sports.
DANISH VERSION: Lov udfordrer fortsat ridesporten
En ny undersøgelse fra Danmarks Idraetsforbund (DIF) Analyse viser, at ’Lov om hold af heste’ fortsat skaber store udfordringer for nogle rideklubber. Dansk Ride Forbund opfordrer klubberne til at komme i gang med ombygningerne, for loven bliver ikke lavet om.
Loven trådte i kraft i 2008 og dikterer en række krav til klubbernes fysiske faciliteter (bl.a. staldene og foldene).
Den bliver implementeret gradvist frem til 2020, og undersøgelsen viser, at 39 procent af klubberne allerede på nuværende tidspunkt lever op til alle de lovkrav, som skal overholdes senest i 2020.
Til gengæld viser undersøgelsen ’Rideklubber i Danmark’ også, at 21 procent af de klubber, som ikke lever op til alle kravene, ikke har konkrete planer om at bygge om.
Blandt disse klubber svarer næsten hver femte, at de sætter deres lid til, at loven ændres.
Men det kommer ikke til at ske, siger Dansk Ride Forbunds formand, Ulf Helgstrand. Heller ikke selvom rideforbundet har indsendt en række ændringsforslag til loven.
“Ændringsforslagene har karakter af justeringer, og de kommer ikke til at ændre de dyre konsekvenser af loven. Derfor bekymrer det mig, at der er nogle klubber, som satser på, at loven ikke bliver til noget, for det gør den. Undersøgelsen fra DIF Analyse fortæller os, at vi i endnu højere grand skal informere klubberne om, at loven er en realitet,” siger Ulf Helgstrand.
Loven skal sikre bedre hestevelfærd og indeholder en række krav til blandt andet boksstørrelser, loftshøjde, lysindfald og foldstørrelser.
Michael Fester fra DIF Analyse, der står bag undersøgelsen, fraråder klubberne at være afventende og passive. ”Det er en helt forkert strategi at vente og se, hvad der sker. Det er økonomisk meget omfattende ombygninger, som kræves, og klubberne kan ikke trylle de nødvendige millioner frem på et øjeblik. Det tager tid at skabe den nødvendige økonomi, og derfor gælder det om at komme i gang med det samme,” siger Michael Fester.
Undersøgelsen ‘Rideklubber i Danmark’ baserer sig på en internetbaseret spørgeskemaundersøgelse med besvarelser fra 219 rideklubber. Ud over afsnittet om lovgivning bliver der i undersøgelsen også set nærmere på emner som eksempelvis medlemstal, frivillighed og uddannelse.
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