Work advances on Copenhagen’s Cityringen, expected to open in 2018
ENGLISH SUMMARY: In December 2018 in Copenhagen, a new circular Metro line, Cityringen, will open, adding 17 stations to the existing 22 stations. On completion of the Cityringen project, the Copenhagen Metro is expected to carry approximately 130 million passengers a year, with Metro stations at key transportation hubs, such as Copenhagen Central Station, Rådhuspladsen, Enghave Plads, Nørrebros Runddel, Trianglen and Frederiksberg Allé. The Copenhagen Metro, which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, currently has two lines which run from Copenhagen Airport and Vestamager to the center of the City and which continue to suburban Vanløse. The Metro, bus and train services have a fully integrated ticket system in the Greater Copenhagen area. When you buy a ticket for the Metro you can use it on the busses and trains as well. The total construction budget of Cityringen is DKK 21.3 billion (at 2010 prices). Actual building costs will be approximately DKK 3 billion higher than expected. However, the interest expenses will be about DKK 3 billion lower because a fixed, low rate of interest has been secured for the future. The tunnel boring machines “Tria” and “Nora” are making great progress on the huge project. The other two tunnel boring machines are “Eva” and “Minerva”. Learn more at
Den 28. marts 2014 brød tunnelboremaskinen Tria igennem væggen til metrostationen Nørrebros Runddel. Dermed er første milepæl for tunnelboremaskine nummer to nået.
Knap to kilometer ny metrotunnel er nu klar under Nørrebro. Tunnelboremaskinen Tria nåede frem til metrostationen Nørrebros Runddel, og hun skal nu igennem et service- og vedligeholdelseseftersyn, inden rejsen går videre i retning mod Frederiksberg. Trias første 600 meter er dermed tilbagelagt.
Storesøsteren Nora sagde farvel til metrostationen Nuuks Plads, og har sat kursen mod Aksel Møllers Have på Frederiksberg. Aksel Møllers Have bliver Cityringens første stationsgennembrud på Frederiksberg og Noras tredje stationsgennembrud.
Såvel Nora som Tria skal bore sig frem til metrostationen Frederiksberg Allé, hvor de vil blive taget op og fragtet retur til Nørrebroparken, hvorfra de sendes nordpå. I alt vil Cityringens ca. 32 kilometer tunneler blive anlagt af fire tunnelboremaskiner. De to sidste tunnelboremaskiner, Eva og Minerva, sættes i gang fra byggepladsen ved Vasbygade, hvor Cityringens kommende kontrol- og vedligeholdelsescenter er blevet bygget.
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